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Timo Stump

Sanitas Challenge Award
Sanitas Challenge Award
A commercial for Swiss healthcare firm Sanitas. It is a promotion for their Challenge Award, which gives away money to sport clubs. The film is a compilation of kids and teenagers doing various different sports.
SBB Companion Ticket
SBB Companion Ticket
A commercial for Swiss Tourism. It's a conversation between tennisplayer Roger Federer and comedian Trevor Noah, in the style of an interview. The entire time they are sat inside a train car.
A commercial for Ticino Tourism about the various colors that can be found in nature in the swiss canton. In a collaboration with the Pantone Color Institute, an architect presents the colors they have developed, while the viewer sees the stunning landscape of Ticino.
Salt - Black Everyday
Salt - Black Everyday
LIDL – Casino Loyal
LIDL – Casino Loyal
A commercial for supermarket chain Lidl about how even James Bond shops at the store. He uses the app to win a bonus in a game of roulette.
Sanitas Challenge – Streethockey
Sanitas Challenge – Streethockey
A commercial for Swiss healthcare firm Sanitas. It is a promotion for their Challenge Award, which gives away money to sport clubs. The film showcases a Club that plays Street Hockey.
Die Moosburger
Die Moosburger
A short film used to promote the book "Die Moosburger" by Marco Rota. It shows a group of friends as they go on an eerie adventure to discover a forgotten world.
Timo Stump – TUNA Production – Advertising film production based in Zurich

Timo is an interdisciplinary director. He is driven by his passion for good stories and stunning images. At the same time, the young director combines his keen sense for music and sound with experience from acting. He bundles these skills in his work as a director. Thanks to his studies in multimedia production at the University of Applied Sciences Graubünden, he not only has an eye for one single story, but always thinks across the different media channels. This makes him a contemporary storyteller.

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