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Jamie Rafn

Near Miss (Trailer)
Near Miss (Trailer)
Trailer for the movie "Near Miss" by Jamie Rafn. Jim marries his first interested partner but after her departure, his friends push him into dating apps where he unexpectedly falls for the second person who showed interest.
Do You See What I See?
Do You See What I See?
Christmas commercial for the grocery store chain Meijer. Children are seen spying on what they believe to be Santa Claus. Throughout the spot, we see different children's reactions to seeing a man with a white beard that they believe is Santa Claus. The advertising spot ends in the Grocery store and the so called Santa is seen winking with one eye.
Nintendo – Winter
Nintendo – Winter
Christmas commercial for the video game manufacturer Nintendo. Advertising spot about a family driving to a farm to visit relatives for Christmas. When Christmas arrives, they are given a Nintendo Switch and the whole family plays games together.
AFI – Dreams
AFI – Dreams
Commercial for the insurance company American Family Insurance. Advertising spot about a a boy watching tap dancing videos on his broken cell phone. His father introduces him to a judo class and he progresses until he becomes a black belt. He becomes more and more confident until his father gives him a tapdancing outfit, which he confidently wears to class even though kids make fun of him.
Johnnie Walker
Johnnie Walker
Commercial for the Scottish whiskey producer Johnnie Walker. Advertising spot about a man playing the bagpipes on a country road when another man rudely interrupts him. The man keeps walking and starts talking about the history of Johnnie Walker whiskeys. It ends with him walking away and saying that Johnnie is still walking and will not stop.
T-Mobile – Parking Ticket
T-Mobile – Parking Ticket
Commercial for the internet provider T-Mobile. The advertising spot starts with the song Money for nothing by Dire Straits. Policemen give tickets to people who just parked their car. The people get angry until they realize that it is not a ticket but free money.
AFI – Road Trip
AFI – Road Trip
Commercial for the insurance company American Family Insurance. Advertising spot about man driving his car through woods and fields until he reaches his destination. A sunrise viewpoint. When he gets there, he calls his sister who is in the hospital and shows her the view.
Perfect Match
Perfect Match
Commercial for the Anthony Nolan Charity. Advertising spot about a woman constantly looking for her perfect match. She is constantly reminded that she hasn't found him yet. We see her at a wedding, her friends ask her and then suddenly the perfect match walks into a cafe but then we realize it was the perfect match for her stem cell transplant and he was the donor.
Jamie Rafn – TUNA Production – Advertising film production based in Zurich

Jamie not only has an Oxford degree, numerous awards and Super Bowl spots to his name, but also films and series. His storytelling-driven spots have been very successful and have earned him gold at Cannes, Epica, Mobius, LIA and Clio. What sets him apart is his exceptional talent for getting the best out of actors and ingeniously linking the story to the brand. Jamie loves the creative process and developing scripts. He has a knack for the clever use of humour, both visually and with dialogue.

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